Friday, April 16, 2010

First Signs that the i-Pad is Beginning to Fuel the E-Textbook Revolution

Well it has happened. Change is occuring in a record fast fashion. E-books will soon be replacing textbooks and i-Pads may soon replace lap tops. Evidence for all this is drawn from a recent report from Minnesota, the consolidated school in Winthrop to be exact plans to put an i-Pad into the hands of every student. The school board recently approved $265,000 that purchased 230 iPads, Additionally, it will upgrade all school buildings with Wi-Fi and provide technical training for everyone starting next year–

“The plan is that every student at GFW high school gets an iPad to use,” said Bertrang. “Then we’re going to have a team of teachers and students get together to figure out the how-to part… This (meaning an i-Pad) probably weighs one to two pounds,” said high school junior Spencer Kruggel, holding an iPad. “And this is 20 to 30 pounds,” he said, as he lifted his backpack.”

Apple is planning to make Winthrop a model i-Pad school and if things go right it will form the way for the nation. According to reports, “more than 450,000 iPads have been sold since the release date a few weekends ago. The average owner of the iPad also owns an iPhone or iPod touch already. The biggest consumers currently are males ages 35-44 and have a household income of over $100,000.” As the following blog speculates “once publishers of textbooks for colleges and universities start ramping up their production we will see a majority shift of the ages come down to more college aged users as schools figure out how to adopt this new learning tool.”

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